Mrs Augustina Asaa Cobblah née Augustina Atiemo Addo


There will be no wake.

Filing Past

  • Saturday, 16th March, 2019 from 6:00 am to 8:30 am at PCG Fritz – Ramseyer Congregation Bubuashie.

Memorial and Funeral Service

  • Saturday, 16th March. 2019 at 9:00 am at PCG Fritz – Ramseyer Congregation, Bubuashie.


  • Awudome Cemetery.

Final Funeral

  • Accra Academy Interact Square, after Interment.

Thanksgiving Service

  • Sunday, 17th March, 2019 at PCG Fritz – Ramseyer Congregation, Bubuashie.


  • Saturday – black and white.
  • Sunday – white.

All friends and sympathizers are cordially invited.

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R.I.P GhanaMrs Augustina Asaa Cobblah née Augustina Atiemo Addo