Baffour Asarey Manteaw

Funeral Arrangements

There will be no wake

Lying-In-State & Filing Past

6:00 am to 8:55 am

Saturday 2nd November 2019 at the kyidomman’s Palace, Mamfe.

Funeral Service

9:00 am to 10:30 am


kyidomman’s Palace, Mamfe.


10:30 am to 11:00 am 

Emmanuel Presby Church Cemetery

Final Funeral Rites

Follows immediately after the service at the forecourt, Kyidomman’s palace, Mamfe.

Thanksgiving service

Sunday 3rd November 2019 at Emmanuel Presby Church, Mamfe at 9:00 am.

All friends and sympathizers are cordially invited.

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R.I.P GhanaBaffour Asarey Manteaw