Dr. Alex Anane-Darko a.k.a Kwame Peprah


Friday 24th May 2019

  • The body will be laid in state at his residence at 8:00 pm. There will be no wake.

Saturday 25th May 2019

  • Pre-burial Service at 7:00 am and Burial Service at 9:00 am at the Bethel Methodist Church, Brafo Yaw Cape coast, near Aggrey Memorial School.


  • The body will be put to rest at Elmina cemetery.

Final Funeral Rites

  • Cultural Centre, Opposite UCC 1st gate, Cape coast.

Sunday 26th May 2019

  • Memorial and thanksgiving service at  the Bethel Methodist Church, Brafo Yaw Cape coast.
  • Funeral Rites continue after church service at his residence, Aggrey ridge, close to Aggrey Memorial S.H.S.

All friends and sympathizers are cordially invited.

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R.I.P GhanaDr. Alex Anane-Darko a.k.a Kwame Peprah