Colonel Michael Kwaku Gbagonah

Funeral Arrangements are as follows:

Wednesday 4th December 2019 at 6 pm: The body will be laid in state at his residence, house no. code: GL-042-6376;

Address: Third Dade Link; Map view:, for family vigil.

Thursday 5th December 2019 at 6:30 am to 8:40 am: Pre-burial service and filing past at the St. Catherine Roman Catholic Church, Burma camp.

0900: Burial mass.

Interment: New military cemetery, Burma camp.

Sunday 8th December 2019: Memorial and thanksgiving service at 0900 at the St. Catherine Roman Catholic Church, Burma camp.

All friends and sympathizers are cordially invited.

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R.I.P GhanaColonel Michael Kwaku Gbagonah