Major Ibrahim Rida (Rtd)

Anniversary Notice

1st Anniversary
Aged: 75 years


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R.I.P GhanaMajor Ibrahim Rida (Rtd)

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  • Henry Brew-Graves - April 16, 2023 reply

    I have only just found out, three years late, that we lost Ibrahim, which comes as a very sad surprise. I was actually hoping that I could get Ibrahim to share some more of his calm and paced, well thought out, well placed and delivered wisdom to myself and a colleague officer who intends to move to Ghana; sadly, not to be. Ibrahim fully supported and encouraged me through my short player career with the Ghana National Rugby Union set-up; I love and respect Ibrahim for his mentorship. I will miss knowing that Ibrahim is ‘there’!!! Ibrahim, you actualised Sandhurst for me. I thank you for that and for everything else… yet another Oak has fallen… Damirifa Due!!! HB-G

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