Freddy Ngamba Kaya

Freddy Kaya
was born on January 1 1978 and died on May 12 2021, attended . Please leave a tribute below in memory of our beloved Freddy

Kafui KafuiFreddy Ngamba Kaya
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Chara Jamieson

Emmanuel Erskine was born on January 19, 1935, and died on May 7, 2021. Please leave a tribute below in memory of Lieutenant General Emmanuel Alexander Erskine.

R.I.P GhanaChara Jamieson
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Fida Aschkar

Fida Aschkar was born on October 10 1966 and died on March 14 2021. Please leave a tribute below in memory of our beloved Fida

AlmaFida Aschkar
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Theresa Wulff

Theresa Wulff
was born on June 28 1948 and died on January 3 2018. Please leave a tribute below in memory of our beloved Theresa

efiadufieTheresa Wulff
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Donald Marrufo

FREDERICK AYE was born on October 5 1937 and died on January 4, 2021, attended Fijai Secondary School, Sekondi. Please leave a tribute below in memory of our beloved FREDERICK

BKwakyewaDonald Marrufo
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Kojo Bentsi-Enchill

Kojo Bentsi-Enchill was born in 1950 and died in 2021. He was the Senior Partner at Bentsi-Enchill Letsa and Ankomah (BELA). Please leave a tribute below in memory of our beloved Kojo.

R.I.P GhanaKojo Bentsi-Enchill
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Gaby Mattouk

Gaby Mattouk was born on September 12 1955 and died on February 10, 2021. Please leave a tribute below in memory of our beloved Gaby.

R.I.P GhanaGaby Mattouk
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Mr Lawrence Awuku

Lawrence Awuku
was born on September 25 1950 and died on February 4, 2021. Please leave a tribute below in memory of our beloved Lawrence.

R.I.P GhanaMr Lawrence Awuku
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